Engaging words are key to any successful communications, print or digital.
Author of the book Really Richmond — A City Guide, an insider's trove of information on where to stay, eat, play, tour, shop, visit museums, see live performances plus clever tidbits and words of interesting locals.
Assisting individuals with writing their own stories/memoirs privately or through group workshops. Guiding them through the process to completion.
Freelance and staff writer/editor for magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books, directories and dissertations
Communications consulting for nonprofits including independent schools — inventory of print and digital media, evaluation, recommendations and planning
Website design and content management (Wix)
Proofreading for content errors and inconsistencies
ROLES I can play with expertise
Communications director and consultant
Magazine editor/writer
Restaurant reviewer
Book assistant and editor
Detailed interviewer
Brand pusher
Translator of complicated subject matter into readable words (plain English)
I have written for Virginia Living, Style Weekly, Richmond Magazine, RHome, UPPERCASE, Classic Home, Baysplash and BSide magazines, financial institutions, health systems and many nonprofit and corporate clients.
As Director of Communications, I was responsible for all print and digital media (magazine, newsletters, admission materials, web site, correspondence) at Collegiate School, 1999-2016
Writing, editing, proofreading
Grammar and usage
Style guides for publications and websites
AP Style
Adobe Creative Suite
Google drive
Wally Stettinius: Wally's Stories
Editor, 2021-2022
Weldon Scrogham: Porsche Expert, Racer
Writer, editor, 2019-2022
Ain't Too Proud to Beg: The Life and Times of a Fundraiser, by Alex Smith
Editor, 2017-2018
Mothering Addiction, by Linda Meredith Hatcher, 2017
Secondary edit/proof, 2017
Ghostwriter/editor, 2016
Collegiate School: 100 Years
Editor, 2015